
High Collagen Beauty Shots

The natural solution for healthy skin.

Collagen makes up over 70 % of the skin's dry weight

The appearance of the skin is an expression of health and general well-being.
As a protective shield, our skin is constantly exposed to external environmental influences (sun, wind, etc.) but also to stress, which intensifies the ageing process.
At the age of 30, human skin begins to change, characterized by changes in the skin’s connective tissue.
Collagen is an important protein for connective tissue: in the dermis of human skin, collagen makes up over 70% of the skin’s dry weight.
The body is able to produce at least 28 different types of collagen.
However, the two collagen types I and III are the most important.

Healthy collagen levels are extremely important

The collagen content is particularly important for the firmness and elasticity of the skin and it is assumed that changes in its quantity and structure are responsible for the formation of wrinkles and the reduction in skin smoothness and moisture. Healthy collagen levels are therefore important for:

  • Skin elasticity
  • Skin smoothness
  • Moisturizing the skin

Collagen regeneration decreases with ageing skin

Collagen is a structural protein.
It is produced from precursor molecules that are formed in special cells in the dermis, known as fibroblasts.
Fibroblasts also produce other structural elements such as elastin and hyaluronic acid.
Collagen formation and collagen degradation take place in the dermis.
Special enzymes (metalloproteinases) break down collagen, while collagen renewal takes place throughout our lives to repair and replace damaged tissue or build new cell structures.
As the skin ages, collagen becomes more fragmented as enzyme degradation activity increases while fibroblast collagen production decreases.
As a result, the skin of an 80-year-old has 4 times more broken collagen fibers than the skin of a 21 to 30-year-old.

Collagen peptides cause the body to produce more collagen

In the last ten years, there has been increased research into how to protect the skin’s collagen content in order to prevent collagen breakdown and stimulate the synthesis of new collagen, even in mature skin.
Scientific studies show that collagen synthesis can be promoted by small stimulating peptides from natural collagen sources.

Highly digestible protein

Collagen peptides are highly digestible proteins.
In their original form, these proteins cannot be absorbed quickly by the gastrointestinal tract.
By breaking them down or enzymatically hydrolyzing them into small peptides, a product is created that can be easily absorbed by the human body.
This special technology is used for the production of High Collagen Beauty Shots.

Scientifically confirmed effectiveness

In a placebo-controlled double-blind clinical study conducted at the Cosderma Institute in France over a period of 56 days, the positive effects of oral intake of 10 g SOLUGEL® on the elasticity and firmness of the skin as well as on skin hydration were demonstrated.

SOLUGEL® works

Several human clinical studies have confirmed that the daily intake of 5-10 g/day of collagen peptides over 4 to 12 weeks has a positive effect on the moisture content, elasticity, fine lines and smoothness of facial skin.

Why High Collagen Beauty Shots?

  • Simply obtained collagen molecules are too large to be well absorbed by the body SOLUGEL® is made from high-quality collagen peptides from natural resources Using a special process, the collagen peptides it contains are reduced into smaller molecules by enzymatic hydrolosis until they are well absorbed by the body and maximum metabolization is ensured
  • High Collagen Beauty Shots are highly dosed with 10g collagen peptides per daily dose (other collagen products contain 2-5g per daily dose)
  • The positive effect of High Collagen has been confirmed by independent clinical studies
  • High Collagen Beauty Shots made from natural ingredients have a pleasant cherry/cassis flavor and are sugar-free, sweetened with stevia and honey
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