Dermatological aspects and aesthetic self-optimization

June 2024 An article by Dr. Sabine Bruckert, Focus Frau 06 2024 The skin is the largest organ of the human body and often reflects our health and well-being.
For women, skincare plays a central role, not only for health reasons but also in terms of aesthetic self-optimization.
This article highlights dermatological challenges as well as modern aesthetic methods and natural approaches to promote skin health.

Hormonal influences on the skin

Hormones have a significant impact on skin health, especially in women.
Phases such as the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and the menopause bring with them significant hormonal fluctuations that can cause various skin problems.

  • Acne: During puberty and the menstrual cycle, increased androgen production increases sebaceous gland activity, which can lead to acne.
    Specialized acne treatments and hormonal therapies can provide relief.
  • Melasma: Also known as “pregnancy mask”, this problem often occurs during pregnancy and manifests itself as hyperpigmented spots on the face.
    A combination of sun protection and skin lighteners can be helpful here.
  • Dryness and loss of elasticity: With the menopause, oestrogen levels fall, which can lead to dry skin and a loss of elasticity.
    Moisturizing and firming care products and hormone therapies can help here.

Skin care during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes numerous changes that also affect the skin.
Suitable skin care can help to minimize stretch marks and skin irritation.

  • Stretch marks: Prevention is key.
    Creams and oils with vitamin E, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients can improve skin elasticity.
  • Sun protection: During pregnancy, the skin is often more sensitive to UV radiation.
    A high sun protection factor is therefore essential to prevent pigmentation disorders.

Aesthetic dermatology and self-optimization

In recent years, interest in aesthetic procedures and self-optimization methods has increased significantly.
Women are increasingly looking for solutions to improve their appearance and maintain a youthful complexion.

  • Botulinum toxin and fillers: Botulinum toxin is often used to smooth expression lines, while fillers are used to restore lost volume and improve contours.
    These treatments are minimally invasive and offer quick results.
  • Biostimulants: Biostimulants are innovative treatment agents that are injected into the skin to stimulate natural regeneration processes such as collagen production.
  • PRP (platelet-rich plasma): In this method, autologous blood is collected, processed and then injected into the skin.
    PRP promotes the regeneration and new formation of collagen and can visibly improve the skin structure.
  • Laser therapies: Laser treatments can be used in a variety of ways, for example to reduce pigmentation spots, treat scars or rejuvenate the skin.
    They stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture.

Natural approaches and promotion of own resources

In addition to invasive methods, natural approaches and the promotion of the body’s own resources are also gaining in importance.

  • Collagen supplements: Collagen supplements can help to strengthen the skin from the inside out.
    They promote the elasticity and hydration of the skin.
  • Diet and lifestyle: A balanced diet, rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, supports skin health.
    Regular exercise and sufficient sleep are also important for a radiant complexion.
  • Topical applications: Products with ingredients such as retinol, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid can stimulate skin renewal and improve the skin’s appearance.

Prevention and regular skin checks

Regular skin checks and preventive measures are essential to prevent skin problems and maintain skin health in the long term.

  • Self-examinations: Regular self-examinations of the skin help to detect changes at an early stage.
    Particular attention should be paid to new or changing moles.
  • Professional skin checks: A dermatologist should be consulted once a year for skin cancer screening.

Women’s skin health and aesthetic self-optimization requires a specialized approach that integrates hormonal, aesthetic and natural aspects.
A radiant and healthy complexion can be achieved through a combination of state-of-the-art treatment methods and the promotion of the body’s own resources.

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